There is hope in the sharp decline in Omicron numbers that we will soon move beyond the pandemic phase of COVID-19 and into a “new normal.” We’re not there yet—cases and hospitalizations are still well above their pre-Omicron peak—but companies are trying to prepare for the next chapter in their resilience planning.
One thing that hasn’t changed during the pandemic is the trust that workers have in their employers. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, "my employer” remains the most trusted institution in the U.S. and worldwide. People’s belief is not simply in “business,” but in the relationship they have with their employer. What's more, workers are looking to CEOs to take action on the issues that matter most, including health, and are prepared to reward companies that invest in community improvements.
So, as the conditions around COVID-19 evolve, employers should look to maintain that trust by communicating openly and honestly with their employees and implementing policies that will strengthen the health of their employees and the communities where they live.
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare why community health is essential to business resiliency. The truth is: this was the case well before March 2020. Employers spend roughly $880 billion a year on medical claims—three-quarters of which are due to chronic conditions. On top of that, productivity losses from ill-health total $530 billion a year.
If companies are going to improve employee health and make their health care spending more sustainable, they will need to recognize the link between chronic disease and community conditions. Focusing on individual employees’ health needs can only go so far. Employers must also look outside the worksite to secure the health of their employees, surrounding community and their business.
At our town hall last week, we heard from the mayor and public health director of San Antonio, as well as the president of the Campbell Soup Foundation, who collectively made the case for community health investments as a core business strategy.
Here are five steps to help your company begin building a community health program.
We’ve curated these short videos with practical advice to help you start building your company’s community health strategy:
Campbell Soup Foundation President Kim Fremont Fortunato on:
San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg on:
San Antonio Public Health Director Claude Jacob on
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