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August 24, 2023

Substance Use Disorders: A Costly Challenge for Employers

Two-thirds of adults are impacted by addiction. Here’s how you can create a recovery-ready workplace.

Create A Recovery-Ready Workplace

When it comes to substance abuse and recovery, the U.S. is in crisis. A new KFF poll reveals that two-thirds of adults report a personal or family-related addiction to alcohol or drugs.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 46.3 million people aged 12 or older have a substance use disorder and in 2021, 94% of those people did not receive any treatment. A majority of those Americans are employed full-time.

Join us
at our national employer briefing on September 14th to learn how your company can create a supportive environment that empowers employees on their journey to addiction recovery.

Recovery-ready workplaces
Support employees on their addiction recovery journey

According to the Department of Labor, employees with substance abuse challenges take almost 50 percent more unscheduled days off and their turnover rate is 44% higher than other workers. Once those workers are in recovery, those statistics change dramatically. Employees in recovery take nearly 10 percent fewer unscheduled days off than other workers and their turnover rate is 12 percent lower.

  • What this means for your company: Mental health, including substance use disorder, directly impacts business health. Research says drug use and addiction cost U.S. employers upwards of $80B each year. How much is substance use costing your company? Find out here.
  • Going further: Creating a recovery-ready workplace can help. Recovery-ready workplaces prioritize the well-being and support of employees in or seeking recovery from substance use disorders. They result in numerous benefits for both employees and employers, and also contribute to reducing societal stigma.
  • Start here: Interested in learning how you can create a recovery-ready workplace? We’re hosting an employer briefing on September 14 to get you everything you need to get started. Register now.

From Awareness to Action
Recovery-Ready Workplaces: A National Employer Briefing

Join us on Thursday, September 14 at 2pm ET for a virtual employer briefing to hear directly from experts and business leaders about the many benefits of building a recovery-ready workplace. This event is designed to provide valuable insights, strategies, and resources for employers who want to create a supportive workplace environment that empowers employees in their journey to addiction recovery.

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